
This section is dedicated to the description of the crops cultivated in the experiment.

To add a crop or a variety to the experiment:

  1. Go to the Crop tab of your fieldbook.

  2. Select the type of cropping system of your experiment. Currently the choices are: Monocrop, Intercrop or Relay crop.

  3. Select the crop’s common name. If the crop is not listed, select ‘’Other’’ and specify the crop common name. If “Intercrop” or “Relay crop” are selected, AgroFIMS will require you to add at least 2 crops. To add more, click on + Add crop.

  4. Enter the variety name. You can enter as many varieties as needed. It is not currently possible to import a list of varieties or genotypes. You will need to manually enter or paste on by one your variety names in the text box: Variety name(s).

The code next to the cropping system box is the Fieldbook ID, a unique identifier created by AgroFIMS to identify your experiment. It is a concatenation of the following information: F_Cropping type_Crop name_Experiment start date_Country. “F” stands for Fieldbook in this case.