
This section is dedicated to the selection of weather measurements to make during the experiment.

  1. Go to the Weather tab of your fieldbook.
  2. Select a measurement in the drop-down list. You can either scroll through the list or type the name of your measurement – the auto-complete feature will select the term if the measurement is in the list.
  3. Once you have found your measurement, select it and click on Add measurement.
  4. You can then indicate its unit, the number of times it has to be measured during the season, and its timing.
  5. You can add as many weather measurements as needed.
  6. To remove a measurement, click on the red x at the upper right side of the measurement box.


Currently, AgroFIMS doesn’t allow users to create their own weather measurements nor to change their unit. Please contact us at if you would like to discuss measurements you feel should be in AgroFIMS.